Sunday, January 2, 2011


Since the beginning of time humans have ate animals as a source of nutrients. When I was little I decided that I wanted to go against this tradition and take my own path; I stopped eating meat becoming a vegetarian. One of the top reasons I chose to not eat meat is simply because I love animals and the thought of eating one is just barbaric to me. Since my early choice to become a vegetarian, I have done research about meat industries that has only encouraged my choice. The way some the animals are treated are just appalling; they also pump the animals full of chemicals that I would prefer not to have in my body. I don’t think the world should just stop eating meat all together I just believe that the way the meat is processed that is so bad.

Diverse Charter

Greenville Tech Charter High school is one of the most diverse schools in the upstate. What makes us so different from the rest of high schools is the fact that we are not forced to attend, we choose; and because of that we come from all over the upstate. We span from Travelers Rest all the way to where I live in Ware Place. We even have teachers that live in North Carolina. So you may ask is this difference in residents an issue? I believe a lot of the times it is. Because some of us live as much as an hour away it is hard to get together and work on projects or just hang out. Unfortunately there is not much we can do to change this. Like I said we choose to attend Charter so we have to put up with the extra driving. So here is the bigger question is it worth? I say most defiantly! Greenville Tech Charter High is a national Blue Ribbon School and it is an honor to attend it.

Track Runner Have Gotten an Early Start!

This year track preseason practicing has already taken off. The Track runners, throwers, and sprinters started practicing mid-November. They are now in a short intermission because of this brutal weather we have been having and because of midterms. Track is by far the most versatile sport at our school. There is a place for everyone, there is jumpers, throwers, sprinters, distance runners. The coach is Mr. Gant; this is his first year coaching for Charter but so far he has done a fairly good job. Since the season hasn’t officially started yet he has assigned student coaches for each event. Freshman Jacob Dosher has never ran before but he is catching up already! “I love Track, already I have learned so much!” Jacobs student coaches are Ben Sessions and Rebekah Dosher.

Dance Dance

Our school as many sports, but one of least thought about sports is our dance team. The dance team is not always thought of as a “sport” because they don’t compete, but they do something even better than that, they pump up the players so they can win the game. The dance team performs at basketball games; although, they have not had the opportunity to dance yet they have been practicing very hard and look forward to the upcoming game Monday night. They dance team just got new uniforms for when they do get to dance on Monday. Dancer Jocelynn describes the uniforms for us “The uniforms are black pants and a blue shirt with slits up the middle and a tie for the arm.” This uniform was picked by their dance instructor and the seniors on the team. Everybody is excited about the dancers premier Monday night and we are all hoping for them to do their best!

Jocelynn Adkins

Jocelynn Adkins is a junior here at Greenville Tech Charter High School. She has been a beloved classmate/friend to us all. Unfortunately this past semester she has been sick a lot. She has missed many days of school because of her sickness, so many days of school that she has fallen behind. To make up for this she will be leaving us next semester and take online classes to catch up. Jocelynn is planning to be back with us for her senior year “I hope to see all my friends next year, I’ll miss you guys!” On behalf of Greenville Tech Charter High School I would like to wish Jocelynn a speedy return!

Downtown Curfew

In the fall of 2009 the city council of Greenville SC set a curfew. The curfew is for teens (under 18) and starts at 10 p.m. The big question here is after almost two years has this curfew been working, has it solved the problems that the city was having? First we must ask what was the problem? The problem was that parents where dropping their kids off downtown around 10-11 and leaving them unsupervised; and that led to fights and vandalism. So has this been fixed by a curfew? According to Greenville police it has helped. There has been reports saying that before the curfew there was over 300 kids wondering the streets after dark, no there is only about 100. So has much as many of us don’t like this new law, it is for every ones benefit.

Midterm Stress Out

Charter students all over the school are stressing over this week’s coming midterms. Everybody is trying to keep their heads on straight and focus on their studies and keep Christmas at bay in till midterms are over. So how are we students supposed to deal with all this stress? The best way is to just keep your eyes on the goal and take it one exam at the time. Instead of freaking over everything just take a moment to breath. 9th grader Jacob Dosher has never taken any exams in his life because he was home-schooled before he came to charter; “I just want to take my midterms and then enjoy Christmas break”. Jacob like many other students just wants to get things over with. As much as some people hate the midterms it’s a necessary evil, and will help us in the long run.

New Year Madness

People all over the world are preparing to bring in the New Year together. Everyone has their own unique way to do it but the purpose of the celebrations is the same to bring in the New Year. Fireworks will be shot, alcohol will be consumed, and kisses will be shared. Everyone is also writing their resolutions for the New Year. Resolutions include things they didn’t do this year and things they did do but wished they hadn’t. At 11:59 everyone will begin the countdown to a New Year. In that countdown they will thing of those resolutions and pray for a safe New Year. This is such a great tradition, it gives everyone a second chance, a chance to start fresh; and everyone needs that from time to time.